Aquatic Explorers, from Creeks to Coast: Algae-Climate-Community Connection

Our art and science collaboration in this environmental project integrates new approaches to interdisciplinary informal science learning with field-based climate science for K-12 students and community participants to advance methods of discovery and understanding around the human-ecology-climate connection. The programmatic theme of Aquatic Explorers and the project’s use of mentoring by university STREM+Art Ambassadors will empower underrepresented STEM learners to see themselves as climate and algal scientists, while measuring the impact of interdisciplinary STEM on future engagement in those disciplines.

Rosalina S. Christova

Aquatic Ecologist

Betsy Read

Professor, CSTEM Biology

Lucy HG Solomon

Professor,  School of Arts

How to cite this website: Stancheva, R., Read, B., Solomon, L. H. G. (2023). Aquatic Explorers:; Graphic designer: Tim Topalov.